Sunday, September 22, 2024

Temps in the 50s, overcast with an occasional spot of blue, occasional drizzle in the AM, Wind N 10-20 mph

Weather, September 22, 2024

Went out before first light and installed two feeders. Then joined Tim and Andy to walk Clam Lagoon (low tide is early in the day).

We had the usual Pectoral/Sharp-tailed sandpipers, but no rarities.

On the Peninsula, we had a flock of 8 Rock Sandpipers.

I then headed north while Tim and Andy pursued a possible Garganey in the flock of teal that flushed when we first walked out onto the flats. Andy got photos of one (maybe two) Garganeys there! I assume these were the same birds that were here when I left in May.

As I drove along the lagoon, I flushed a Gray-tailed Tattler. He did not pose for photos.

I installed the Blue Building feeder and then headed towards the Seawall.

At the north end of the lagoon, I spotted a young Red-faced Cormorant.

Red-faced Cormorant, Clam Lagoon, September 22, 2024

Off the Seawall, I saw multiple Short-tailed Shearwaters going by. But the visibility was poor, so I did not linger.

After eating lunch at Candlestick Bridge, I headed back around and installed the final feeder at the National Forest.

The feeder is just left of the newly-painted sign.

After checking the Warbler Willows (nothing new), I went down to Sweeper Cove.

As I was scanning the bay, I heard a raven call, looked up and saw a Gyrfalcon chasing the raven.

The raven flew off, but the Gyrfalcon obligingly perched on a nearby utility pole.

Gyrfalcon, Sweeper Cove, September 22, 2024
Gyrfalcon, Sweeper Cove, September 22, 2024
Gyrfalcon, Sweeper Cove, September 22, 2024
Gyrfalcon, Sweeper Cove, September 22, 2024


In Sweeper Cove, I found two Crested Auklets.

Crested Auklet, Sweeper Cove, September 22, 2024

And I picked out at least one Thick-billed Murre out of the many Commons.

After checking the Quarries, I headed back up to Warbler Willows (always check it at least two times per day!). Along the way, Andy and Tim followed me around the Sweeper Creek area where they spotted a flock of Cackling Geese going over.

Cackling Geese, Sweeper Creek area, September 22, 2024

They then headed south as I continued up to the willows.

As I drove in to the Warbler Willows, a Wood Sandpiper flushed from the side of the road. I was unable to relocate it.

As I was headed back to town, Andy called to tell me they had a Yellow-billed Loon at the Sweeper Cove Jetty area.

I hurried down there and got a glimpse of it before it disappeared around the bend.

I went back home and had dinner. As I was eating, Andy called to say he thought he had another Garganey at the Airport Ditch!

After finishing, I went down there and, sure enough, there it was!

Garganey, Airport Ditch, September 22, 2024
Garganey, Airport Ditch, September 22, 2024

Again, this was probably the same one that was here in May.

Finally, here is the Annual Fall Mandatory Eagle Head-shot.

Bald Eagle, September 22, 2024

The trip list is 33, Year List 82.