My flights were uneventful. The plane from Chicago to Anchorage was on a 787-900 Max and not a single door blew off…
Don Aldredge from Roanoke, Virginia is joining me for ten days. He lived on Adak as a child for a couple of years (1960-61).
I didn’t have time to do any birding on Friday, but we did some this morning before the flight to Adak.
We drove up to Arctic Valley and had a flock of Pine Sikinms and Common Redpolls.

We headed back to town and had a cooperative pair of Barrow’s Goldeneyes on Lake Hood.

The flight to Adak was on time, but because there were so many birders on board (20!), they had to unload our luggage in three sessions while uploading the outgoing luggage to get the plane out on schedule.
So we had to wait almost an hour…
But we finally got our stuff, got to the house, and set out to put up the bird feeders and look at a couple of birds.
Aaron Lang found a Black-headed Gull at Clam Lagoon (which we also saw) and then we went down to Contractor’s Marsh, where we found a Wood Sandpiper.
Aaron also reported three Tufted Ducks on the Airport Ponds, but we did not see them when we went by.
The washed out culvert up at Clam Lagoon has been partially filled in but is VERY rough. We will try driving over it tomorrow.
More details tomorrow.