Now this is more like Adak weather…
Temp in the 40s, rain all day, Wind ESE 15-30 mph
It poured all night, and kept raining today. There were very brief moments of respite, with emphasis on brief!
I didn’t take a single photo today.
There were 34 Bar-tailed Godwits and two Black-tailed still here
At least two Pine Siskins remain.
The only bird I added for the trip was a Gyrfalcon up at Clam Lagoon.
Here is a nice tern photo from a few days ago.

The gang of five left today, so I will be the lone birder on the island for the remainder of my trip (I leave on Saturday).
They were very pleased with their trip. At least one of them got 30 lifers!

The trip list is now 67, which is average for my May trips. Two-and-a-half days to go.