Temps in the 40s-50s, partly sunny, wind WNW 15-30 mph

Only added Emperor Goose to the trip list.
The jaeger was indeterminate, so just a Jaeger, sp.
The winds were still strong. If only I had a few more days for the wind to calm down to make looking for passerines easier…
In summary, it was a great trip!
I’m still getting lifers on Adak after all these years and in spite of the law of diminishing returns!
Two lifers (and therefore 2 Adak List birds): Song Thrush and Mottled Petrel
One semi-Adak Bird: Male Ring-necked Duck.
The tubenose show in Kuluk Bay.
Birds seen by others on the island while I was there, but that I did not see.
Short-eared Owl
Pomarine Jaeger
Short-tailed Albatross
Lesser Scaup
Bewickâs Swan
Ruddy Turnstone
Common Snipe
Missing the Short-tailed Albatross
Species usually seen this time of year, but were missing:
Ancient Murrelet and Horned Puffin. I have never missed a Horned Puffin on ANY trip to Adak! I have missed Ancient Murrelet on a few trips.
The Trip List was 65. A new high for Fall. Previous high was 63 in 2014.
The Year’s List was 93 (one shy of 2017).
Today’s eBird List can be seen at https://ebird.org/checklist/S197805132
The Trip List can be seen at: https://ebird.org/tripreport/277586
I’ll be back in May 2025.