Temp in the 40s, overcast, rain much of the day, wind N 10-15 mph
Last May, we noticed a dearth of Rock Ptarmigan. Lisa (F&WS) informed us that the berry crop was very low last winter and ptarmigan survival rates were poor. The paucity remains, as we have only seen three ptarmigan since we arrived. Normally in the fall, we frequently see family groups of 6-10 at a time! Apparently the breeding season did not go well either.
Also, there seem to be fewer Pacific Wrens around. In fall, we usually see them almost everywhere – trees, bushes, Seawall, etc., what with all of the young scattered about. But this year we have only seen a few.
There are at least two Peregrine Falcons here – one in town and at least one at Clam Lagoon (possibly two up there).

At clam Lagoon, in addition to seeing the Marsh Sandpiper again, I got a photo of just a few of the Common Teal that apparently had a successful breeding season…

At the Seawall, a couple of Stellar’s Sea Lions watched us carefully.

Short-tailed Shearwaters continue to fish in Kuluk Bay. About a dozen have been there the past few days.
As we stopped on the hill above the NavFac Beach (to see what the Marines were up to), a flock of Aleutian Cackling Geese flew over.

Today’s Marine activities included bringing a number of vehicles and supplies ashore using hovercraft.

The invasion was delayed again due to weather.
Two Septembers ago, we ran into a crab boat captain (Mark), who was very friendly, asked us what we were doing (this was out near Clam Lagoon) and told us about his crab fishing, etc. (this time of year he fishes for Brown Crab – the sweetest crab meat). After conversing awhile, he asked if we would like a couple of crab! We were going home in two days, so we couldn’t take them with us, but we said we (meaning Barb) could eat one here. So he invited us down to his boat where he cooked one up for us! We took it back to the house and Barb feasted for two days!
Last year, we missed him, but this year the Early Dawn (his boat) pulled in as we were down at Sweeper Cove looking for gulls, etc. Again, he offered us a crab. And here it is!
Again, he cooked it for us and Barb ate some for dinner tonight.

The Trip List is 45. No change to the Year List.
Today’s eBird checklist is at: https://ebird.org/view/checklist/S59943063