Temp in the 50s, Partly sunny, scattered drizzle late in the PM, Wind SW 15-30 mph
No new birds today. In all of our trips up here there are always a few days — usually in the middle — when we don’t get anything new. This is that stretch of days. We are hoping that the westerly winds that started yesterday will blow something in.
At Clam Lagoon today, we had 5 Sanderlings, 2 Western Sandpipers, 6 Pectoral Sandpipers, and 1 Sharp-tailed Sandpiper. Its amazing how little effect the strong winds have on these little birds feeding on an open mudflat. I was hard-pressed to keep upright!
At the Seawall, we had three Ruddy Turnstones and one Rock Sandpiper.
Again, there were shearwaters well withing binocular range. And again, we spent some time scanning for other pelagics, to no avail!
We saw at least two — maybe three — Peregrines today.
Come on, west winds!