Temp in the 40s, N wind 10-20 mph, partly sunny.
No new birds today.
At Sweeper cove this morning, we found a juvenile Tufted Puffin. We have found them here on previous trips, but the lighting was always terrible. This morning, the sun was shining.
I walked the Clam Lagoon Peninsula and marsh edge and found only one Pectoral Sandpiper! I guess the cold front not only brought in a few birds, but pushed some out as well. On the walk out the peninsula, there were numerous jellyfish which had been stranded on the last high tide.
In addition to the influx of Eurasian Wigeon, the number of Northern Pintails has also risen. As we were counting the number of pintails and wigeon on Lake Shirley, an immature Bald Eagle swooped in and sent everyone flying. Once airborne, the flock attracted the attention of a nearby Peregrine who almost got one of the pintails, but the duck zigged when the hawk zagged, and escaped. The ducks returned to the lake and the Peregrine took a few more unsuccessful passes at them and then moved on.
We’ll keep looking…