Temps in the 40s, mostly cloudy, occasional light rain, Wind SW 20-50 mph

As you can see from abocve, the weather was not real conducive to birding today. Getting out of your vehicle was problematic at best…
Nothing new at the feeders.
At Contractor’s Marsh, we watched a flock of Aleutian Cackling Geese land on the north end of the airport.

Still running into Wood Sandpipers everywhere!
Found a Lesser Scaup, Long-tailed Duck, and Common Murre today for the trip list.
At Contractor’s Marsh, we found the Pacific Golden-Plovers again.

Another Brambling was found near the High School Spruces by Michelle’s group. We didn’t try for it.
After a long day of birding, I dropped Don off at the house and decided to try for a Dunlin that was reported on the East Flats at Clam Lagoon.
I didn’t get the Dunlin, but on the way back I flushed a Common Greenshank off the road (I was trying to get a photo of a Bufflehead at the time!).
Luckily, it just flew over to the nearby East Side Ponds, where I was able to get some photos.

A Short-eared Owl was also reported by Ann’s group up at Lake Shirley.
The Trip List is 58.
The Trip List can be seen at https://ebird.org/tripreport/243576