Temp in the 50s, overcast., rain … WAIT! That’s here at home, not Adak!
Temp in the 50s, mostly cloudy, Wind WSW 15-25 mph
Another windy day. Tough birding.
The flock of Black Scoters has grown to 56 and was joined by a Eurasian Wigeon (What was he doing out in the salt water?) out on Kuluk Bay.
Up at Adak National Forest, I finally got a nice look (and photo) of a Brambling for this trip.
All of my flights home were early and my luggage arrived as well.
Because of the strong WSW wind, we took off to the west, giving me a nice view of Sweeper Cove.
It was a great trip!
The trip list was 58 (4 above average).
I added three birds to my Adak List — Naumann’s Thrush (158), White-crowned Sparrow (159), and Eurasian Skylark (160).
And two Lifers — Naumann’s Thrush (729) and Eurasian Skylark (730)
Species that were seen by others while I was here, but not by me — Gray-tailed Tattler, Wood Sandpiper, Common Goldeneye, Parasitic Jaeger, Rough-legged Hawk, and Barn Swallow.
The Barn Swallow would have been a new Adak bird for me.
I’ll be back next May…