Temps in the 40s, Partly Sunny, Occasional light sprinkle, Wind W 5-15 mph

Final day
No new birds today.
The Emperor Goose, a Brambling, and a Hawfinch were still present.
It was a great trip!
One lifer — Long-toed Stint.
75 species — fourth best spring record.
Three Asian passerines — Hawfinch, Brambling, Taiga Flycatcher
Two Asian ducks — Tufted Duck, Garganey
Eight Asian shorebirds — Siberian Sand-Plover, Whimbrel (Siberian race), Far Eastern Curlew, Common Sandpiper, Wood Sandpiper, Common Greenshank, Long-toed Stint, Red-necked Stint
Two uncommon Gulls — Black-headed, Herring
I saw only three Common Murres — low for May
The Common Ravens were very scarce
No Asian passerines visited the feeders except for a brief appearance by a Hawfinch the first day and then two others at the end of the trip. Usually, Brambling(s) and Hawfinch(es) will find a feeder early on and feed at it for the duration.
Only one American Green-winged Teal.
Only 5 Northern Pintails. I have had as many as 50 in the spring. And they normally breed here.
No Horned Grebes.
Thew Aleutian Terns were most uncooperative. Giving no :close up and personal” views until the end of the trip.
I missed the following species which were seen by other birders. Ruddy Turnstone, Wandering Tattler, Peregrine Falcon, and Short-eared Owl
Long-toed Stint — My last stint!
Siberian Sand-Plover — Only my second Spring record.
Far Eastern Curlew — Only my fourth record and there were two and one stayed for 6 days!
Common Sandpiper — Only my fourth
Wood Sandpiper — Courting!
I will return on Sept 21, 2024