Temps in the 40s, mostly cloudy, a few sprinkles in the afternoon, wind west 15-25 mph
Nothing new at the feeders, yet.
We headed straight up to Clam Lagoon to look for the Long-toed Stint. Sam Brayshaw joined us.
We started at the south end of the marsh edge where it had last been seen and started walking north.
About a third of the way up, it flushed and flew back a hundred yards or so behind us.
We tried several times to approach it without it flushing it so we could see it on the ground, but with no success.
It always saw us before we saw it and flew away each time.
However, I was still able to get some diagnostic photos.
Note the long toes trailing behind the tail and the bold eyeline.
This was the last stint I needed for my lifelist!
Subsequent groups of birders had the same experience as we (and Aaron’s group the previous day) had — only flight views.
After the stint chase, we walked out the peninsula and a small shorebird flushed, but none of us were able to get on it to identify it or see where it went. Just another one that got away…
We saw five Wood Sandpipers at three different locations today, including this one at Contractor’s Marsh.
We had an errant Emperor Goose sitting on Cormorant Rocks instead of its namesake Goose Rocks…
Other new birds for the trip list included, Black Oystercatcher, Snow Bunting, American Wigeon, and Parasitic Jaeger.
The trip list is 41.