Next trip we are packing sunblock!
Temp in the 40s, mostly cloudy until late afternoon, then sunny, moderate E to NE winds.
All of the feeders that we set up (which means throwing seed on the ground under various spruce trees) are active now, with Gray-crowned Rosy Finches, Song Sparrows, and Lapland Longspurs visiting them regularly. This activity should attract any passing Asian vagrants.
The swan is still present as are six Tufted Ducks (in various locations).
On the way up to Clam Lagoon, we spotted two Arctic Loons at the Palisades Overlook.
We headed up to Lake Ronnie to try to get a better view of the Smew. We parked and walked up to the bluff overlooking the lake. I spotted the Smew, but it immediately took off. Barb did not get on it. However, it returned a few minutes later and we both got very good views in the Questar — and distant photos.
Although the Wandering Tattler was at the same spot when we drove by to get to Lake Ronnie, it was not there on our return.
Frank walked up to scan the sound from the Breaches, but didn’t find anything.
We stopped at Contractor’s Camp Marsh and had our first Pacific Golden-Plover of the trip.
Our trip list stands at 55. Our average May trip list has been 63. Our records show that most of the shorebirds and passerines show up in the last ten days of May — which starts now! So we expect more species ahead…