Texas Photo Gallery
All photos were taken and copyrighted by Franklin Haas unless otherwise noted.

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Altamira Oriole

Aplomado Falcon

Black Phoebe

Buff-breasted Hummingbird

Clay-colored Thrush

Couch's Kingbird

Crested Caracara

Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl

Great Kiskadee

Great-tailed Grackle

Greater Roadrunner

Green Jay

Harris's Hawk

Inca Dove

Le Conte's Sparrow

Least Grebe

Little Blue Heron

Loggerhead Shrike

Long-billed Dowitcher

Long-billed Thrasher


Northern Harrier

Olive Sparrow

Peregrine Falcon

Plain Chachalaca


Reddish Egret


Ringed Kingfisher

Ruddy Duck

Scissor-tailed Flycatcher

Sprague's Pipit

Turkey Vulture

White Ibis

White-eyed Vireo

Yellow-crowned Night-Heron